Exhibition Details

Subversive Correspondenc #1 Broadwalk Arts, Broadwalk Shopping Centre, Bristol, BS4 2QU.
Monday 20th July - Thursday 23rd July 2009

Subversive Correspondence #2
The Gallery at Willesden Green, 95 High Road, Willesden, London, NW10 2SF.
Wednesday 19th August- Wednesday 2nd September 2009
Private View 18th August 6-9pm

Curator: Diana Ali


The interpretations encounter political statements or disperse cultural observations; correspondence that is not immediate but perhaps depends on the contingencies of travel. Subversive systems of posting and collecting dialogue create the emergence of new narratives that are shared and reacted upon through hybrid texts, images and temporary ownership. Show cased as a touring exhibition at Broadwalk Arts, Bristol then at The Willesden Gallery, London, the works continue to explore language, visual interchange and systematic dialogues.



Tim Harris

Tim Harris

‘A View From The Plinth’

The work consists of transcripts of some of the conversations from the Fourth Plinth. One of them being with Diana Ali, the curator of 'Subversive Correspondence'. Tim Harris was on the plinth for one hour on Saturday 11th July 2009 2200-2300hrs, in Trafalgar Square, London, UK.

On Antony Gormley's 'One and Other' project, every hour, 24 hours a day for 100 days, a different person will step up to the Fourth Plinth and help make a living portrait of the UK.