Exhibition Details

Subversive Correspondenc #1 Broadwalk Arts, Broadwalk Shopping Centre, Bristol, BS4 2QU.
Monday 20th July - Thursday 23rd July 2009

Subversive Correspondence #2
The Gallery at Willesden Green, 95 High Road, Willesden, London, NW10 2SF.
Wednesday 19th August- Wednesday 2nd September 2009
Private View 18th August 6-9pm

Curator: Diana Ali


The interpretations encounter political statements or disperse cultural observations; correspondence that is not immediate but perhaps depends on the contingencies of travel. Subversive systems of posting and collecting dialogue create the emergence of new narratives that are shared and reacted upon through hybrid texts, images and temporary ownership. Show cased as a touring exhibition at Broadwalk Arts, Bristol then at The Willesden Gallery, London, the works continue to explore language, visual interchange and systematic dialogues.



Project 6

Project 6, Zagreb, Croatia

Project assambled 6 six authors into an experiment with final aim to explore connections between theme, medium and personality.
Every author refers towards the work of another simultaneously being an object of referral her/himself.

Project #1- 'Stereotypes and Prejudice'

Zdravko Horvat
Title: Untitled
Dimensions: 40 x 48 cm
Medium: 5 digital prints on paper, 1 printed text on paper

Protagonist of this work Igor tell his story, which is than on onwards been retold from one person to another (Igor, Zdravko, Martina, Tea, Maja). Each storyteller subconsciously deconstructs and reconstructs the story creating a new one, by doing that storyteller also puts parts of its own personality in it.

Martina Miholic
Title: 'Tagbox Pride & Prejudice'
Size: unprecise, adjustable to the space
Medium: Installation

Driven by a desire to deconstruct our outer shield that could simultaneously attract or reject us from the others, Martina created a box which splits multiple perspectives and communication nods of You and Me relations, and reveal contradictions.
Martina subjects herself by sending an electronic questionnaire to her acquaintances with a pattern of questions...

Tea Hatadi
Title: 'Trash Shopping'
Medium: video, installation/ photo documentation
Size: cca 10 images, A4 format

Artist dissects own issues towards the filth in the urban space and indolent life existencies in urban circle. In process of tracing neighbor’s rejection of unnecessary items from the point of rejection to the point of accumulation and re-emerging of these in the possession of people from the edge of urbanity which modus vivendi stimulates a certain notion of disgust.

Igor Juran
Title: Untitled
Dimenzion: original work 80x41, 39x80, 40x80, 39x80, 80x42, 38x40 cm/maybe I'll use smaller images
Medium: ink-jet print on paper and kapafix

Igor Juran builds his work on pseudo-science basis by using all members of the project to calculate their individual astrological natal charts. By making symbolic portraits, setting the scene into a low illuminated environment in which he fabricates the assuming astrological stereotype depiction into a grotesque.

Maja Rozman
Size: tapestry 70 x 100 cm + chairs
Medium: instalation, tapestry

A cliché is a stencil, but also a stereotype, same as an art system itself subjected to critic and theoretical justifications which define one product as an art form, while other might not even consider. Maja's tapestry presents one of those spaces of denying.

Karla Suler
Title: 'Phising'
Size: ajustable
Medium: installation

Karla Suler explores discrimination that occurs within a framework of prejudice affected gay minority,featuring a controversial system of stereotyping that builds new prejudice within itself.Stereotype is treated as an intruder within the exhibition space as it is an intruder in our perception;we become aware only when we became its victims.