Robin Clare, UK
'Stand and Deliver', Acrylic & Ink on Paper, 40cm x 50cm

My subject matter explores discarded items, using language and pattern to create a dialogue with the viewer. Choosing which phrases to use has been a really interesting process, for example some of my favourite phrases that I grew up with in Jamaica would leave most people outside the island completely stumped. So I have tried to use phrases that have filtered down through popular culture. My very first being "We could have been anything that we wanted to be" a line from one of the songs in Bugsy Malone, it seemed to fit perfectly with what my discarded appliances were singing about (in my head). I can still see them side-by-side in a chorus line flashing glimpses of their wiring while sashaying about and swinging their plugs and cords behind them. It has become a bit like an episode of Creature Comforts, as I contemplate my appliances, big and small, I can hear them waxing on about their dreams, hopes and fears.